Unemployment Rate and its Impact on Financial Markets

The unemployment rate is the most common index for understanding labor market conditions. The labor market is a term economists use to refer to the supply and demand of labor. The unemployment rate can also provide insights into the overall performance of the economy and is therefore a significant factor in shaping perspectives on monetary…

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Getting to Know the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

The New York Stock Exchange, the beating heart of the global economy, with a history of more than two centuries, is still the leader of the world’s financial markets. This financial giant, which sees billions of dollars in transactions daily, is not only a meeting place for investors and large companies, but also a mirror…

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Getting to Know the London Stock Exchange

The London Stock Exchange, more than three centuries old, is a symbol of dynamism and innovation in the financial world. This economic giant, which grew out of the coffeehouses of the 17th century, is known today as one of the most important financial centers in the world. From multinational companies to fledgling startups, everyone is…

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The French Stock Market (Paris)

The Paris Stock Exchange, the beating heart of the French economy and one of the most powerful financial markets in Europe, has had a rich and ups and downs history. From its founding in 1724 to its merger with Euronext in the 21st century, this market has always played a key role in shaping the…

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Getting to Know the Japanese Stock Market (Tokyo)

The Tokyo Stock Exchange, the beating heart of Japan’s economy and one of the world’s most important financial centers, tells an ups and downs story of innovation, growth and resistance to challenges. Established in 1878, the stock market hosts industrial giants such as Toyota and Sony, as well as innovative companies in the fields of…

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Types of Orders in Forex

First part: Necessity and familiarity with the types of orders in forex . The importance of knowing the types of orders in the forex market . Introducing the types of ordering in forex   Second part: main categories of orders . Types of orders in forex: Market Orders: Spot order or market (Market Execution) Pending…

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Comparison of the Profitability of Forex and Crypto Currencies

Forex and crypto currency markets are two popular areas for investors and traders. These two markets, despite their fundamental differences, each present unique opportunities and challenges. In this article, we will do a comprehensive review and comparison of Forex and crypto currency markets. From basic definitions and history to volatility, risks, trading techniques and profit…

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What Is Meant by a Two-Sided Market?

Two-sided markets play a vital role in shaping financial flows and resource allocation. By enabling trading in both directions, these markets inject a dynamism into the economy that goes beyond the limitations of traditional one-sided markets. From stock exchanges to currency and commodity markets, two-sided markets serve as the driving force behind financial innovation, risk…

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What Is the Role of Wall Street in the Global Stock Market?
What Is the Role of Wall Street in the Global Stock Market?

Wall Street, synonymous with global financial power and economic influence, is more than just a street in Manhattan, New York. As home to banking giants and the world’s largest stock exchanges, this financial hub plays a pivotal role in shaping the global economy. From funding startups to directing international capital flows, Wall Street is the…

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