What is Fundamental Analysis?
What is Fundamental Analysis?

What is Fundamental Analysis? Fundamental analysis is one of the most important tools available in financial markets, helping traders identify the true value of an asset by examining various economic, financial, and industry factors. Unlike technical analysis, which focuses on charts and price patterns, fundamental analysis investigates the core and essential factors influencing prices and…

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The Impact of News on the Forex Market
The Impact of News on the Forex Market

The Importance of News in the Forex Market: News serves as a primary driver of currency price fluctuations. Two General Categories of News: Economic News Economic reports: unemployment rate, inflation, GDP, etc. Interest rate decisions: made by central banks. Geopolitical events: elections, wars, etc. Political News Political stability and instability. Relations between countries. Trade policies.…

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Forex Trading Using Chaos Theory
Forex Trading Using Chaos Theory

Financial markets, particularly the forex market, have always been characterized by complexity and uncertainty. In this context, chaos theory has emerged as a novel approach to analyzing market behavior, attracting the attention of many traders and analysts. This theory provides a framework for understanding complex and nonlinear systems, allowing for a deeper insight into the…

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Trading as a Primary or Secondary Career?
Trading as a Primary or Secondary Career?

Trading as a Primary or Secondary Career? If you are considering trading as your primary career, you must be prepared to face numerous challenges. Many traders cannot withstand the psychological pressure and end up failing in this field. As with any other freelance job, self-awareness is key to success in financial markets. Not everyone is…

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Spread in Forex
Spread in Forex

The Forex spread is a type of cost or fee that arises from the difference between the bid price (the highest price a buyer is willing to pay) and the ask price (the lowest price a seller is willing to accept) of a currency. In simple terms, the spread represents the price gap between the…

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Examining the Impact of New Regulations on the Forex Market
Examining the Impact of New Regulations on the Forex Market

The new Forex regulations have profoundly affected the structure and functioning of this global market. Aimed at enhancing transparency, protecting investors, and ensuring market stability, these regulations have created new challenges and opportunities for all market participants, including traders, brokers, and regulatory bodies. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of these changes, the reasons behind…

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Introduction to Social Trading
Social Trading

Social Trading: A Modern Approach to Financial Markets Social Trading is a method in the financial markets that allows you to observe, analyze, and even replicate the strategies and trading techniques of professional traders. This approach, sometimes referred to as Copy Trading, appeals to both beginners and experienced traders due to its unique advantages. The…

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Getting to know the Federal Reserve System
Getting to know the Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve System, commonly referred to as the Fed, serves as the central bank of the United States, responsible for setting and implementing the country’s monetary policies. This financial institution was established in 1913 by an act of Congress with the aim of creating stability in the monetary system and supporting sustainable economic growth…

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How to Use Multi-Timeframe Analysis Tools?
How to Use Multi-Timeframe Analysis Tools?

In financial markets, traders are always seeking methods that help them make better decisions and achieve greater profits. One of these effective methods is multi-timeframe analysis, which has gained significant attention from professionals in recent years. This innovative approach combines various time perspectives, from momentary fluctuations to long-term trends, providing a deeper understanding of market…

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How to Use Sentiment Analysis Tools
How to Use Sentiment Analysis Tools

Sentiment analysis in financial markets, especially in Forex, is a powerful tool for understanding collective trader behavior and predicting price changes. This analytical method helps traders look beyond charts and numbers by examining various data sources, including COT reports, sentiment indicators, and social media activity. By combining sentiment analysis with traditional methods such as fundamental…

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